About Strategic Business Solutions, LLC... |
Friday - February 7, 2025 |
Strategic Business Solutions has been securing and administering training funds for California
businesses since 2006. It has been our mission to bring these funds to the businesses of the central
valley and beyond in order to give companies the competitive edge that will allow them to prosper and
expand in today's global economy. Since its inception, Strategic Business Solutions has secured
over $13 million dollars in training funds for California businesses.
Our staff has the unique experience of having administered the
state of California's Employment Training Panel (ETP) funding contracts from the employer's side. Members
of our staff have had executive positions in a manufacturing company and were responsible for implementation of three
(3) ETP contracts. This gives our company a unique perspective to guide our clients through the process and
understand the challenges of implementing a comprehensive and customized training plan.
ETP funds can offset the tremendous investment in training time that every company wishes to pursue, but few companies can find in today's economic environment. ETP funds can serve as the vehicle to make this investment a "win" for both the company and the employee. ETP funds reimburse an employer for training time on a per hour basis, often at a rate that is higher than the employee's wage. The company develops an employee with an increased skill-set through cross-training and advanced skills acquisition, while the employee receives valuable training that allows them to attain a stable and long-term career with upward mobility.
The ETP program offers increased compensation and consideration to industries that are deemed to be "targeted" industries that are vital to the California economy and/or face out of state competition. Some targeted industries include manufacturing, health care, construction, agriculture, nanotechnology, transportation, and entertainment industries. There is also a small business program that gives priority in funding to companies with less than 100 employees.
Strategic Business Solutions' goal is to make the experience one which will allow its clients to train their employees through ETP funding agreements without worrying about the paperwork and logistical tasks that can be intrusive on an already busy schedule. Strategic Business Solutions has seen this opportunity work for many companies in California, allowing them to prosper while their competitors struggle.
We encourage you to fill out our contact form so that we may set up an appointment to discuss how this program can benefit your company.